Migrate SQLPrompt Snippets to VSCode

 I love snippets; love em. And I have a whole bunch in RedGate SQL Prompt. Now I want to be able to use those in VSCode as well, but boy do I dread having to retype all of them. Solution? Python! First arg is the path where your SQLPrompt snippets are Second arg is the directory where you want it to spit out a "sql.json" file with all your snippets. """ A script to translate sqlprompt snippet files to vscode formatted snippets """ import os import json import glob import io import argparse class SQLPromptPlaceholder :     """Represents the values of a SQLPrompt placeholder"""     def __init__ ( self , name , default_value ):         self . name = name         self . default_value = default_value class SQLPromptSnippet :     """Represents the content of a SQLPrompt snippet"""     @ staticmethod     def from_file ( filename ):         """Generates an instance fr...

Script: Dropping Temporal Tables

Temporal tables are awesome. But they're kind of a pain to work with during those initial stages of development when you're constantly dropping and re-creating objects whole. The process of dropping a temporal table isn't super complicated, just:

  1. Disable versioning on the main table
  2. Drop the main table
  3. Drop the history table
To that end, I wrote this stored procedure, marked as a system object (using sp_msmarksystemobject) which you can build which will do those three tasks for you automatically. Even if you don't choose to use the full script, you can still de-construct it for the logic.

use master
set nocount on

PROC: dbo.sp_droptemporaltable

create table Util.dbo.Test
 ID int primary key clustered,
 StartDate datetime2 generated always as row start,
 EndDate datetime2 generated always as row end,
 period for system_time (StartDate, EndDate)
with (system_versioning = on (history_table = dbo.Test_History))

exec Util.dbo.sp_droptemporaltable
 @SchemaTable = 'dbo.Test',
 @DropHistoryTable =1,
 @Debug = 0

drop proc if exists dbo.sp_droptemporaltable

create proc dbo.sp_droptemporaltable
 @SchemaTable nvarchar(300),
 @DropHistoryTable bit = 1,
 @Debug bit = 1

 @ObjectId int = object_id(@SchemaTable),
 @TableName nvarchar(128) = parsename(@SchemaTable, 1),
 @SchemaName nvarchar(128) = parsename(@SchemaTable, 2),
 @HistObjectId int,
 @HistTableName nvarchar(128),
 @HistSchemaName nvarchar(128),
 @HistTwoPartName nvarchar(300),
 @TwoPartName nvarchar(300),
 @SQL nvarchar(max)

begin try

  @HistObjectId = history_table_id,
  @HistSchemaName = object_schema_name(history_table_id),
  @HistTableName = object_name(history_table_id),
  @HistTwoPartName = concat(quotename(@HistSchemaName), '.', quotename(@HistTableName)),
  @TwoPartName = concat(quotename(@SchemaName), '.', quotename(@TableName))
 from sys.tables
 where object_id = @ObjectId
  and temporal_type = 2

 if @ObjectId is null
  raiserror('%s is not a valid table', 16, 1, @SchemaTable)

 if @HistObjectId is null
  raiserror('No history table exists for %s', 16, 1, @SchemaTable)

 select @SQL = concat('

  alter table ', @TwoPartName, '
   set (system_versioning = off)

  print ''Disabled system versioning on ', @TwoPartName, '''

  drop table ', @TwoPartName, '

  print ''Dropped table ', @TwoPartName, '''

  drop table ', @HistTwoPartName, '

  print ''Dropped history table ', @HistTwoPartName, '''')

 if @debug = 1
  print @SQL
  exec sp_executesql @SQL

end try
begin catch

 if @@trancount > 0


end catch

exec sp_MS_marksystemobject 'sp_droptemporaltable'


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