Migrate SQLPrompt Snippets to VSCode

 I love snippets; love em. And I have a whole bunch in RedGate SQL Prompt. Now I want to be able to use those in VSCode as well, but boy do I dread having to retype all of them. Solution? Python! First arg is the path where your SQLPrompt snippets are Second arg is the directory where you want it to spit out a "sql.json" file with all your snippets. """ A script to translate sqlprompt snippet files to vscode formatted snippets """ import os import json import glob import io import argparse class SQLPromptPlaceholder :     """Represents the values of a SQLPrompt placeholder"""     def __init__ ( self , name , default_value ):         self . name = name         self . default_value = default_value class SQLPromptSnippet :     """Represents the content of a SQLPrompt snippet"""     @ staticmethod     def from_file ( filename ):         """Generates an instance fr...


I think SQL Extended Properties are awesome. In a nutshell, they allow you to attach arbitrary key-value pairs to SQL objects of almost any kind. I've used them for things like simple documentation, to enabling special functionality for maintenance procs, or marking all tables serving a particular function in a system. They're just cool. The biggest pain in the butt IMHO is just managing them; creating them, updating them, and to a lesser extent, viewing them.

The biggest problem is scripting them. SQL gives three procs for managing extended properties:

Each of those does exactly what it says on the tin. The pain is that they will fail if you start in the wrong state. I.e. 

  • Add will fail if the property already exists
  • Update will fail if the property does not already exist
  • Drop will fail if the property does not already exist
Which means if you want to add XP management to any re-runnable script, you have to bake in if-then-else logic for every call.

I created a github repo for a project I created called SqlXP which adds some utilities to make this process less painful. It centers around a new marked system object called sp_setextendedproperty which basically allows you to use whichever of the official procs is appropriate based on the inputs. You can tell it do drop stuff, add if not exists, or upsert (add if not exists, and update if different).

The rest of the objects are basically quality of life improvements. For example, 99% of the time when I'm adding an XP, it's to a schema object (db.schema.myObject). Which makes a bunch of the parameters to the official procs repetitive (e.g. level0type = 'SCHEMA', level0name = 'dbo', level1type = 'Table'...etc).

I've made helper procs which can just figure out the types for most of the common object types, including going down to the "minor type" level (i.e. parameter or column). 

Anyway, check it out, and let me know what you think.


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